The most interesting part is this:
"Trent: I'll admit I had an account there and frequented it quite often. At the end of the day, what made OiNK a great place was that it was like the world's greatest record store. Pretty much anything you could ever imagine, it was there, and it was there in the format you wanted. If OiNK cost anything, I would certainly have paid, but there isn't the equivalent of that in the retail space right now." ...
"People on those boards, they're grateful for the person that uploaded it — they're the hero. They're not stealing it because they're going to make money off of it; they're stealing it because they love the band. I'm not saying that I think OiNK is morally correct, but I do know that it existed because it filled a void of what people want."
Now if that ain't something :)
Everyone Digg it!
Get this article around as fast and far as you can.
Edit: Number #1 in Digg's Top10 with 1688 diggs right now :)
Also, please stop the discussion about who invited Trent and what his username could have been. It doesn't matter at all.
Thanks to Canapial for another comicstrip.
Trent = Sexy
I'm not surprised Trent Reznor had an account. He loves music. It's not just a job for him. He's released entire songs as Garageband projects for people to mess around with and remix. I wish there were more musicians like him.
fucking awesome!
that's fuckin insane..
reznor is a legend
I would have never known that.
I love people like him. I wish everyone else felt the same way he did :(
I now have a new found love for NIN.
Well put Trent, I would not have known about Niggy Tardust if not for this post! Definitely looking forward to the album.
who wants to be the one to break the bad news to the guy who left comments on the trent article?
I dont know where else to post this, but I was banned from the irc and I would like to get back in. How would I go about doing that?
i invited him; i'm spartacus
let the the user name guessing begin:
Assuming Reznor releases his own music on these sites, that is...
Actually Zap, it was the other way around... and I was very grateful!
I'm not a huge NIN fan or anything, but its awesome that industry people know how fucked up the record label infrastructure is.
Big ups to Trent.
Haha awesome! It is nice to see how far sites like OiNK have spread. Thanks for the comment Rob :) Hope to see the two of you on our new site again (if we make one).
Hahaha. Trent is the man.
And he payed $5,000 for the Radiohead album? Cheers to him.
hey wait the guy who wrote that kick ass article about the shutdown of oink was a designer for a lot of NIN stuff. this band roxxx
I've liked Trent lately, he did a awsum interview in a australian newspaper about the music industry. Seems like a good guy.
Not sure about his much though haha
That was a cool bit of trivia to learn about the site. I had no doubt that some artists had some access to it, even through a proxy agent of sorts. The fact that Trent Reznor had a personal interest in it is awesome, especially now that he's told his fans to steal his music.
My question is: Do we know what account was his and did he ever get warned for not following one of the rules?
I knowledge that at least two other musicians were members of Oink. One is a bigger name that I am sure are most familiar with and the other one is an upandcoming hip hop group with growing notierity that I am sure a lot of ppl intuned with non mainstream rap have heard of. And both have leaked their albums on Oink.
"Suck it Pedro."
I love it.
Is it possible to get that on the back of one of the Red print Che T-Shirts? I'm definitely getting several though(Cousin and her boyfriend were big fans), with or without that back. I'll cherish this t-shirt forever.
Wow that rocks. Another kick to the music industry !
I think he paid 5.000 for that Radiohead cause Yorke invited him.
_0_ and :bounce:
brilliant! and dugg :)
Don't assume Trent was invited. Many of us joined before OiNK was invite only. ;)
And just as Radiohead have done, Saul and Trent are releasing Niggy Tardust direct to the public via the web... And not of this 160kbps BullSh*t. You get 192 gratis and $5 scores FLAC or 320kbps at
I work for the Deftones, and I invited both Chi & Chino. They both leeched and had their accounts disabled, but they were both huge users & loved having access to the massive library of material. Chino actually asked me the other day if I could somehow get him a new account.
Trent Reznor supports now. Check it out.
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