You'll need to be able to provide name servers, hosting and bandwidth, as well as remote administration capabilities for these.
What's in it for you? A warm fuzzy feeling.
If you're able to help, make a comment and leave an email address. Start your post with [DNP] if you don't want the comment published.
edit: shirt news
Spreadshirt rejected the SVG because it apparently used too many colours, so I've got canapial working on it. :P
edit2: We have received plenty of offers for simple hosting. Thanks to everyone! PLEASE STOP SUBMITTING
Simple website dont sound very good no.
Simple eh? As in for a blog/forum?
Not that I could give you my server space :P Y'all would murder my bandwidth, you LEECHERS
A simple website? Im hoping that it will only be temporary?
I hope this means what I think it means...
I'm not going to get too excited... but if this means what I think it means... :D
Well, could you tell us how much bandwidth you get monthly?
And what is the legal side of this? (is this simply going to link to google or there will be something else?)
If it were really as simple as it sounds, wouldn't a shared server hosting account do just fine? ;)
Here's hoping.
is it for waffle recipes or what?
^ All assets are currently frozen.
leave them out to be thawed so i can eat them because they're delicious
the second best thing could be would be an honest-to-goodness site for waffle recipes.
but who wants to be second best?
I hope this is what i think/hope it is
By "simple website" I hope you mean a new torrent site.
jeez, relax all you guys. There wont be a torrent site anymore. Dont you get it?
No. One day it will return.
and until then let's aimlessly speculate, raising everyone's collective blood pressure
I hope so it will return but maybe that's why most of the mods haven't jumped ship just yet??? I'm saving my oink torrents…
I can help setup that hoodie file for screenprinting.
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