T-Shirt news: Black hoodies could soon be available!
I've uploaded the SVG of the piggy and cow image (not che though, I don't have it handy) to spreadshirt. I have to wait (up to 48 hours) for them to confirm it (no guaruntee they will, but they should) and then the store will be up and running.
If you want Canapial's latest comic (or the hydra) on a T-shirt (the one above), let me know and I'll have a chat with him.
I'm going to make this painfully clear:
We are not affiliated with either waffles.fm or what.cd, although a few of us are members at one of them.
T-shirt news: The nfoink cafe press store is being ran by Unimatrix0. I've told him that I'll set six corners of the internet on his ass if anything untoward happens, so knock yourself out in his store.
edit: No, he's not making a profit.
Scamsite news: add .6x.to to your list of scam site addresses. It's all the same site.
Hell, I'll personally cough up £50 to the guy who brings me his severed head on a plate.
that is fucking brilliant!!
check waffles.fm
haha... awesome job
hey anybody here on you know WHAT ?
Mouahaha !! Nice !
Love that!
Dont miss the striked .com to .org, haha!
This is gripping stuff! Who needs the TV soaps? lol
lol, coool :D
LOL!! canapial rocks! :-)
that's why i vote canapial in the banner pool
lol, anyone heard of http://www.waffles.fm/
Just wondering if there is any official word. Maybe deny/confirm...
I would love Canapial's design of the hydra on the shirt. I think m3unit07 might be doing something as well with his design
Canapial's stuff seems very 'clock crew' :|
We will be allowing former oink users to join waffles.fm with a bit of proof that they did indeed enjoy the fruits of the pink palace.
You will need a screenshot of your oink profile that corresponds with your registration email, your oink invitation email or something of the sort. Upload the screenshot to tinypic.com
Thanks everyone : )
Let's bring forth the hordes of black hoodies.
can someone tell me if torrents we created for the old site contain proof what we were members?
I hope so...
or I just made an ass of myself.
paine just in case you didn't know there's some more info when you view the source code on the waffles.fm page
Just curious, did you use my vector of the piggy or did canapial make one too?
as an ex oink member how can I get in to waffles when they open. any one know? I guess the chat would be a good idea but I've never IRC'd before. I'm eager to get back in the loop
Wish I had a screenshot of the details they need to invite an ex-oinker :(
All I have is icons and css file of my attempt at making a stylesheet for it.
Hi I absolutelly want Canapial's beautiful hydra illustration on a t-shirt. the new one was oinkilicius to:D
and on a poster and her is a new idea why not make postcards and send to who it main concern:-@
Hmmm. I don't have any screenshots that prove I was a member of Oink before it went down. Maybe if I do some digging through gmail I can find my registration email or something....
Nice work
i want me a sticker!
how am I supposed to prove to waffles that I was apart of oink without any screen shots?!?!
this is some bs, some of us never got invited to oink.
another case of support:
Handy info on waffles
Thanks, love the updates. And the great artwork too!
members of what one? waffles?
For those who know html, open the source code of waffles.fm, save it somewhere, go to the file, open it with notepad, remove the comment tags < !-- and -- >, save the page and reopen it. At the bottom will be a section to submit a pic of your "proof".
For proof, I'm using a screenshot of my Oink invite email (Thank god for Gmail) and hoping that will suffice.
Torrents from Oink could possibly be useful (open one with notepad and you'll see tracker address and info) but then people might start passing around Oink torrents as a way to get in. Your Oink torrents do have your security key, which is useless now that there is no way of proving anything.
Can someone explain to me what "what.cd" is supposed to be? I don't get it.
ex oink alot; http://waffles.fm/faq.php - easier than irc. ;)
Good news.. and nice shirts.. would love a sweater in black tho.
How do we know this Waffles isn't just IFPA wanting us to submit all of our old Oink info so they can get access to our old accounts?
I have some e-mails from oink for password reset notifications twice. haha I hope that works. I was a user for years but I don't know how else to prove it.
what.cd is promising!
Canapial, what font do you use for the dialog text? It's sweet! Nice work btw.
ex oinkers: read the waffles.fm faq at http://waffles.fm/faq.php if you want an invite. looks like you can just email them your emails from the site or old oink torrents (your client probably saved them somewhere) and they will count that as proof of membership.
dang i too wish i had the stuff to prove my oink account. i dont think ive ever taken a screen shot in my life...
^^thats the current addy..but they are moving to what.cd soon. its got the same exact rules as oink...invite only..i have one or two invites left.
So does anyone know anything about the people running http://waffles.ws?
With all of the scams and pranks going on I really have no idea which initiatives are even serious anymore. Is this a site run by known/trusted Oinkers and likely to be the real thing (a private tracker) or will anyone who sends proof to the e-mail address they mention in the FAQ just get e-mailed a picture of some waffles or be put on a spam list or something?
very nice art!
that cartoon just exactly summed up how i was feeling right at this second. good job!
i was just about to send all this proof that i was an oink member including email and all sorts of stuff, when it struck me:
what if this site is a honeypot? i'm just giving loads of personal info to some chuffing spook.
i'm gonna hold out on them waffles for a while...
^^^ Not a honeypot, the web dev started last weds. at the oink memorial forums — a ten page thread there started by beauh…
http://www.googlepirate.com/ Seriously, check it out. :D
For the anon who was asking, font name's Anime Ace - probably available on dafont.com
What is this, a firkin' waffles.fm technical-support thread? Go into their IRC and ask there.
"^^^ Not a honeypot, the web dev started last weds. at the oink memorial forums — a ten page thread there started by beauh…"
Anyone have a link to that thread? Tried looking, may have been removed or I am not at the right site.
guys, my credit card is denied by the eshop, but it's ACTIVE! so i can't buy anything from cafepress. i wrote to them but yet no reply.
help plz!
i reside in russia
i want these t-shirts )
hey chris, any chance of getting one of those what.cd invites?
Any plans to bring out a black che hoodie? I've been waiting to buy one to see if there is one coming, but if not I'll settle for the white.
Somehow I managed to miss out on some sweet waffles! Can anyone tell me where I can send in proof that I've been enjoying waffles for a while now? I can't connect to the IRC or find any contact info....
I'd really appreciate it.
Here's the EPS file for the Che design: http://rapidshare.com/files/66830513/yossarian176.eps.html
Enjoy :)
Sorry mate I cant find a plate to present the head on.
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