Thanks Canapial. :D
For those of you who missed it, he also made this image.
For the people asking for black hoodies, cafepress don't seem to do them, if there's a large enough demand (4 or 5 people, to be honest) I can start looking through other sites to see who does.
i think that jinx has black t-shirts .. but i dont know if they do custom stuff :D
hi any chance to get the hydra oink on an image would be perfect wear for activism days.
Foolish windmill: it's not Kosher to eat Oink. Utillize the Oink, but do not eat it.
Paine, why do you pretend to be "cautious" about Waffles is OiNK2's real name, just so you know.. and they've done a better job than anyone. Yeah, its name speaks for itself, it's the opposite of OiNK. Waffles is going to have the exact same rules as OiNK after 2 weeks of mandatory quota of uploading for every user.
What does OiNK have to offer? BOiNK? You guys need to head to waffles if you're looking for the old OiNK. Btw. the codename "waffles" was invented for the project before the front page changed.
how much roughly would hoodies be? id be interested if the price was reasonable.
Have you got a higher res version of that lovely hydra image?
"LOL Nice Try Pedro"
A t-shirt with the hydra image would be awesome!
More Hydra
" Yeah, its name speaks for itself, it's the opposite of OiNK."
No, it isn't, dumbfuck.
A black hoodie would be awesome. I'd appreciate if you looked into it.
Try contacting They do custom screenprinting and have a very good "minimum order" policy.
Any chance the previous shirts are coming back? Is there way I can still order the ones with the other logo or no? It'd be a bummer...
I, too would be interested in a hoody priced reasonably.
I would be interested in a black hoody.
Black hoody = instant purchase by me, at least 1.
Found a sweet tribute!? song for Oink!!!!
I would be interested in a hoodie!
also, try finding a site that accepts PayPal
spreadtshirt SHOULD have black hoodies
So, where do we go if we want to discuss that crosschecked breakfast delight? With Maple Syrup?
Paine, spreadshirt has black hoodies. You might have to make a store for both US and UK though (shipping issues).
If you find a place that offers black custom hoodies, I'll be inclined to get few. :)
i'm down for a black hoody...i want hte music revolution emblem...and if it's like 40 or $50 and keeps me warm i'm in for 1
great oink-che design. appreciate!
can anybody tell me from where the shirts are being shipped? i'd love to order two of them.
CafePress is shit, use CustomInk.
there's always Spreadshirt.
I'm interested in a black hoodie, but I'm not making any promises.
Say, any chance of the hydra and "Just like google" images large?
Say .... wallpaper size?
Yeah, I would purchase a hoodie in a heart beat!!
Just one more person to throw down for a black hoodie, especially if they're nice quality.
I would really love a Che black hoodie!
i would most def buy a hoodie as well
Holy shit I drew a similar image that same night! I have pictures now here for comparison.
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